TRAILGUARD Chest Pack for Concealed Carry

2 Reviews



Introducing the TrailGuard Concealed Carry Chest Pouch – designed to discreetly carry your concealed firearm alongside everyday essentials. Compact yet spacious, its outdoor aesthetic mirrors a binocular harness, ensuring both style and discreet functionality.

The firearm in the TrailGuard is kept in the rearmost compartment, allowing it to be stored safely and separately from other contents in the pack. This CCW compartment will fit up to a full-size handgun and includes an adjustable holster insert to keep the firearm in place. Access to the handgun is made easy with the pack’s quick pull tabs which provide immediate access.

The forward compartment has two divided pouches for organization, four elastic loops for spare magazines, and ample room for binoculars, phone, wallet, or other accessories. The pack has an ultra-lightweight low-profile harness. The extra thin straps and padded mesh backing allow the user to remain cool and add comfort when worn under a backpack or other harness. Three MOLLE straps on the bottom provide an attachment point for additional pouches and accessories.

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