M/ASH Shoulder Holster System

8 Reviews


Harness Assembly Type

The M/ASH Shoulder Gun Holster is constructed of padded ballistic nylon for durability and impact resistance. The dual shoulder holster system is ambidextrous. The holsters and harnesses are interchangeable - own just one harness or system, and change holsters if your carry weapon changes. The M/ASH shoulder gun holster features our PowerBand™ adjustable tension system, as well as an adjustable, reversible thumb-break retainer strap. SightStrip™ protects your weapon's front and rear sights. Sizes are available to fit most pistols.

Please be sure to select your desired holster size and shoulder harness type. Double-sided harnesses will include a double mag pouch. The dual shoulder holster can accommodate a wide variety of our accessory items including magazine pouches, speed loader pouches, handcuff pouches, flashlight holders, and knife pouches. Sizes for this double shoulder holster are listed below. The M/ASH system is ambidextrous - simply reverse holster and mag pouches. 

CCW shoulder is holster made in the USA

Sizes Available

Size 2: Beretta 84 series; Kimber Solo; Walther PP/PPK/PPKS series; SIG Sauer P230, P232; Colt 380 Govt/Mustang series; Firestar 9mm/.40 Firestar Plus

Size 5: 1911 frame styles; Wilson Combat; Colt Government/Gold Cup/Commander/Officers; similar Llama, Star, Springfield; Browning Hi-Power series

Size 8: Glock 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32; Ruger P85/P89/P90/P91/P93/P94/P95 series; Sig P220, P225, P226, P228, P229, P239, SP2340, P245; H&K USP and USP Compact; S&W Sigma series pistols; Taurus PT92,99,100,101,908,940,945; Walther P88, P99, 4.5" P5, PPS M2

Size 9: Glock 26, 27, 29, 30, 33; Star Ultrastar 3.5"; Taurus PT111 Millenium; Walther P5 Compact

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