Duratek Belt Holster

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The Elite Survival Systems Dura-Tek Hip Holster is a great solution for outside-the-waistband retention for handguns. It is constructed of dense, padded ballistic nylon with an injection-molded polymer belt panel to fit from 1-2" wide belts. This hip holster design provides a maximum coverage and a closed bottom to better protect the weapon. Its SightStrip™ provides protection to the front and rear sights, and the snap retainer strap is adjustable with hook and loop. Dura-Tek hip holster sizes are available to fit most pistols and revolvers.

Concealed carry hip holster made in the USA 


 Size 1 Fits 2" J-Frame Revolvers; Ruger LCR
Size 3 Fits up to 3" small frame revolvers; Ruger LCRx; Smith & Wesson Model 60 3"
Size 7RDO
Fits the following with Rear-Mounted Optics: Beretta BU9 Nano; Glock 42/43; Heizer Defense PS1; Kahr P9/40, MK9/40, K9/40, PM9/40, CW9/40; Kel-Tec PF9; Ruger LC9; SCCY CPX Series; Sig Sauer P290, P365, P938; S&W Sigma 380; Springfield Armory Hellcat; Taurus 709 slim; Walther P22
Size 8 Compact and Sub-Compact Autos including Glock 19, 23, 36; H&K USP Compact; Ruger Security-9®, Security-9® Compact, Ruger American Pistol® Compact, SR22® and SR-9® Compact Sig P224, P225, P228, P229, P245, P250C; SP2340; Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 9/40; Springfield XD 3"-4"; Taurus 24/7; Walther PPS, PPS M2, P5 Compact 
Size 11 5" 1911's; Colt Government/Gold Cup/Commander/Officers; similar Llama, Star, Springfield; Browning Hi-Power series; Kel-Tec PMR-30; Colt .22 Target 6"; Ruger SR1911 with 5" barrel and MK I, II, III and IV pistols with 5"-5.5" barrel; Browning Buck Mark and similar .22 cal. pistols up to 7" barrels
Size 12 4"-5" S&W 39/59, 3900/5900 with hooked trigger guards & 1000/4000/4500 series and 4.5" Sigma; Beretta 76, 92 series, and 96 series; CZ75 Type Pistols; Taurus PT92,99,100,101; Glock 17, 20, 21, 22, 31; Ruger P85/P89/P90/P91/P93/P94/P95 series; Sig P220/P226/P250/P320; H&K USP
Size 12RDO Fits from Size 12, above, with Rear-Mounted Optics
Size 12XL Glock 24, 34, 35, 41; Ruger MK I, II, III and IV pistols with 6"-6.88" barrel
Size 13 S&W Governor, Taurus Judge 2-3"
Size 14 4" S&W K, L, N frame; Colt Python/King Cobra; Ruger GP100/Security Six; and similar Taurus and Rossi, Astra revolvers
Size 16 5.5"-6.5" S&W K, L, N frame Colt Python/King Cobra; Ruger GP100/Security Six; and similar Taurus and Rossi revolvers; Ruger Redhawk; similar Rossi, Taurus, Llama revolvers; Ruger Blackhawk/Super Blackhawk revolvers
Size 18 7"-8.5" S&W K, L, N frame Colt Python/King Cobra; Ruger GP100/Security Six; and similar Taurus and Rossi revolvers; Ruger Redhawk; similar Rossi, Taurus, Llama revolvers; Ruger Blackhawk/Super Blackhawk revolvers


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