May 23, 2022

It’s likely you’ve spent a lot of time picking out which firearm to carry, which holster to carry it in, and even the aesthetic appeal. However, one of the most important aspects of concealed carry is your draw. Improve your draw by reading these five steps to safely draw a concealed firearm from its holster.

Clear the Gun

The nature of concealed carry is that you will have to clear your clothing when you draw. Remember that practice makes perfect. Decide what clothing you want to wear regularly when you carry. Practice with these clothes specifically. If you carry under a shirt that’s untucked, you’ll want to use your free hand to pull the shirt up and away from the firearm. If you carry tucked, you must pull the tail of the shirt up out of your pants in order to draw. This may require more practice than the latter.


Your grip is crucial if you must engage with a threat. Once again, this must be practiced achieving proper form. Grip your gun tightly, pushing the web of your hand into the butt of the pistol as much as possible. The way you grip the gun in the holster is how you should grip the gun when it’s outside of the holster. This will provide you with live-saving seconds from having to switch up your grip.


When you’re looking at tactical holsters for sale, try to find one that can be customized to your specific firearm and body type. When the time comes to draw, pull the firearm straight out of your holster. Rotate it ninety degrees towards the target while the muzzle clears the holster. Keep in mind that the gun should remain close to your body. Also try to keep your trigger finger out of the trigger guard. Adrenaline can cause you to discharge the gun on accident. Keeping your finger off the trigger will prevent this kind of accident. This is a crucial step in the five steps to safely draw a concealed firearm from its holster.

Center the Gun

Always center the gun downrange toward the target. Starting with the firearm in the center of the chest, point and push forward. Keep the gun straight with engaged arms close to the body. If you utilize this two-handed grip, your elbows will be touching your torso.

Drive Forward

With your grip strong and established, acquire the target with your sights. Your trigger finger can now move towards the trigger guard once your target is established. Of course, keep in mind that if others are close by they can be in a danger zone. Shoot wisely and shoot carefully. Try to remember to breathe and relax when or if the time comes to shoot a threat out of protection.

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